
Via V.Buzzi, 13 20017 Rho (MI) – Phone: +39 026439242 – Email: moroni@ultrasuoni.it

Sweep Mode

Variable frequency in ultrasonic washers

The ultrasonic sweep mode is a special program used to improve the performance and efficiency of PZT elements.
To achieve the high powers required for washing, the PZT (transducer) elements that are applied on the walls and / or bottom of the tanks must be numerous. They are built with the highest precision with numerical control, so they are all equal and have the same resonance frequency around 33,000 Hz.

However, this can not be achieved with the practical act: each element measured at the counter has its own resonance that may differ from 500 to 600 Hz. Therefore, if the generator worked with a single fixed frequency, some PZT elements would not work for their resonance and therefore would have poor performance, but far more seriously, they would encounter a rapid overheating and deterioration.

Then the generator is equipped with a special program, namely the sweep mode, which is set in the lab and checked on-site during the final test.

In this way, the actual base frequency and the range to be set (sweep or sweep mode) (e.g. 29.560 Hz and 1.000 Hz sweep mode) are precisely determined for each implant.

By doing so, even for short moments, all PZT elements can work at their own resonant frequency, thus exalting the power output of the whole complex and then distributing the load evenly over all the elements.

With sweep mode, the perfect integrity of transducers is safeguarded for years. In fact, we guarantee PZT elements for 5 years.