
Via V.Buzzi, 13 20017 Rho (MI) – Phone: +39 026439242 – Email: moroni@ultrasuoni.it

Automatic Ultrasonic Plants

Automatic ultrasonic cleaning systems and rotary basket ultrasonic washers.

Among the flagship products in the Moroni catalog, the standout items are the automatic ultrasonic cleaning systems of various types, which are ideal not only for the washing phase but also for subsequent treatments.

ORTHAGON bridge crane plants

Moroni Ultrasuoni’s automatic systems with Orthagon overhead cranes are ideal for handling heavy loads as they ensure high productivity, minimal labor requirements, and maximum safety during processing.


Moroni’s STEP-STEERING (P.P.) systems, also known as noria or pilgrim step systems, are capable of ensuring maximum productivity through the simultaneous lifting and translation of all baskets. They also have great simplicity in the programming cycle as they continuously repeat from six to maximum ten movements.

LIFTER Systems

Thanks to Moroni Ultrasuoni’s automatic washing systems Lifter, the parts to be cleaned are loaded onto a platform that automatically lowers into the washing position. To the action of the ultrasonic waves, a stroking motion is added, which helps to remove solid residues from the inner parts of the pieces. Therefore, this type of equipment is particularly suitable for the cleaning of heavy machinery, such as engines, molds, hydraulic and pneumatic groups, and cylinders.

Impianti di Lavaggio Ultrasuoni Automatici


The Rotolifter series by Moroni Ultrasuoni includes ultrasonic washers with rotating baskets (buratti), designed for precise cleaning of metal small parts, to remove machining oils and grease, but most importantly to remove chips and machining residues.

The combined action of ultrasound and slow rotation of the parts allows for cleaning even the most internal parts such as threads, blind holes, and undercut surfaces. Another advantage of immersion rotation is its ability to protect the parts being cleaned by reducing collisions between them, especially in delicate areas such as external threads or sensitive mating surfaces.

When in the washing position, the platform, which moves up and down with the rotating basket, performs an upward and downward movement (known as reciprocation), causing the chips to be removed from the cleaned parts.

Moroni Ultrasuoni systems, all characterized by high technological content with computerized programming and control, are fully automatic. The only task for the operator will be to remove and place the rotating baskets on the loading platform.
Contact Moroni Ultrasuoni to request a customized system tailored to your specific needs.

lavatrici a ultrasuoni con cestelli rotanti

Lastly, numerous other automatic ultrasonic systems have been developed since 1963. We specialize in the design of individual systems, and we have a dedicated department that addresses these types of requirements.