
Via V.Buzzi, 13 20017 Rho (MI) – Phone: +39 026439242 – Email: moroni@ultrasuoni.it

Ultrasonic Weapon Cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning of handguns and rifles

Moroni specializes in designing ultrasonic firearms washing systems using dedicated washers that are utilized in various stages of production and maintenance of firearms used in both sports and military contexts. For example:

Rifles and revolvers in the military sector

lavaggio armi con ultrasuoni

Guns and rifles for sport use

lavaggio armi con ultrasuoni

Recently, ultrasonic firearm cleaning has also found application in cleaning aiming systems and infrared sights.

In particular, thanks to the MDV Heavy Duty series washers with mobile platform (LIFTER), it is possible to carry out the cleaning of complex and heavy weapon systems such as:

We use wash basins with water-based detergents under construction, but also during periodic maintenance at amphibious vehicle and tanks workshop, self-propelled artillery groups.

In aeronautics, our ultrasound tanks clean servomotors, wheels, brakes and hubs of trolleys, onboards instrumentation, cabin finishes.

Ultrasonic cleaning still finds application for: