
Via V.Buzzi, 13 20017 Rho (MI) – Phone: +39 026439242 – Email: moroni@ultrasuoni.it

Naval Motorcycle, Molds, Trolleys and Wheels for Air

Automotive engine washing, marine engines

Ultrasonic cleaning for naval and aeronautical engine washing is another specialization of Moroni Ultrasuoni systems, and it can be applied both during the manufacturing process and for maintenance purposes.

The engine is immersed in the ultrasonic bath via a platform, which performs the following cycle.

At START command, automatic:

Gears, valves, brake straps, brake callipers, self-propelled motors.

The use of ultrasonic cleaning for naval and aeronautical engine washing offers significant labor savings as it allows for cleaning even in hard-to-reach internal parts without the need to disassemble all the components.

The washing of carburettors and injection pumps for diesel during reconditioning or revision

In the case of cleaning carburetors and diesel fuel injection pumps during reconditioning or overhaul, the tanks used are of considerable size. An example is the 40,000-liter tank built by Moroni for the cleaning of traction units in the railway industry.

The PZT elements, on the other hand, are externally applied using our patented welding and bonding system.

One of our exclusive sectors is the washing of wheels and brakes for aircraft


Lavaggio Motori Navali Aeronautici con Ultrasuoni

